About us

Free time and decent work the focus
The European Sunday Alliance (ESA) is a network of more than 100 national Sunday Alliances, trade unions, employers’ organisations, civil society organisations, churches and religious communities committed to raise awareness of the unique value of synchronised free time for our European societies.
Sunday and, more general, decent working hours, are the focus of our campaigns. In our Founding Statement, we draw attention to aspects of life/work-balance and social cohesion that depend on a vast majority of people to have their lawful free time at the same time.
A commitment for a work-free Sunday and decent working hours.

Protect our health

Respect our family

Let us live together
Founding Statement
A work-free Sunday and decent working hours are of paramount importance for citizens throughout Europe. We, the undersigned, believe that all citizens of the European Union are entitled to benefit from decent working hours that, as a matter of principle, exclude working late evenings, nights, bank holidays and Sundays. We believe that today, legislation and practices in place at EU and Member States levels need to be more protective of the health, safety, dignity of everyone and should more attentively promote the reconciliation of professional and family life. We believe that social cohesion in the European citizenship should be reinforced.
Founding Statement setting up the European Sunday Alliance
Download the Founding Statement in PDF
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